AEI de Seguridad - Agrupación Empesarial Innovadora para la seguridad de las redes y los sistemas de información

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En la sección Biblioteca podrá descargar los documentos más importantes sobre Seguridad de la Información.


Se incluyen en esta sección documentos de carácter legislativo, informes y artículos, incluyendo las últimas novedades que han aparecido en Internet.


Getting Smart about Smart Cities

Understanding the market opportunity in the cities of tomorrow. (Fuente: Alcatel-Lucent)

Smart Grid Security

Recommendations for Europe and Member States (Fuente: ENISA)

DIRECTIVA 2006/32/CE de 5 de abril de 2006 sobre la eficiencia del uso final de la energía y los servicios energéticos

DIRECTIVA 2006/32/CE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 5 de abril de 2006 sobre la eficiencia del uso final de la energía y los servicios energéticos y por la que se deroga la Directiva 93/76/CEE del Consejo

Smart Cities and Communities - European Innovation Partnership

With Europe 2020, a comprehensive strategy has been put forward to foster smart, inclusive and sustainable growth in Europe and to provide a framework for the European Union to emerge strengthened from the current financial and economic crisis. Innovation has been placed at the heart of the 2020 strategy as Europe's competitiveness and capacity to create new jobs depends on driving innovation in products and services. It is also the best means of successfully tackling major societal challenges, such as climate change and energy efficiency.

The Innovation Union announced European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) which are designed to mobilise actors across the innovation cycle and across sectors around an overarching target in order to speed up innovative solutions to societal challenges, including major energy and transport challenges in cities and communities.

Smart urban technologies can provide an important contribution to the sustainable development of European cities. 68% of the EU population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is growing as the urbanisation trend continues in Europe and worldwide.

The Smart Cities and Communities EIP (SCC) is a partnership across the areas of energy, transport and information and communication with the objective to catalyse progress in areas where energy production, distribution and use; mobility and transport; and information and communication technologies (ICT) are intimately linked and offer new interdisciplinary opportunities to improve services while reducing energy and resource consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) and other polluting emissions. It is the logical next step to scale up in a comprehensive and integrated way the efforts undertaken by the related urban energy efficiency component of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan in 2011. SCC focuses on industry led innovation as a key driver to achieve economic and social change in urban areas and promotes actions across the innovation cycle and across different sectors. It will support existing and future EU initiatives for urban areas in the field of environment (i.e. resource efficiency, water, waste, pollution, green infrastructures) and climate policies.

The EU has developed a shared European vision of sustainable urban and territorial development. European cities should be places of advanced social progress and environmental regeneration, as well as places of attraction and engines of economic growth based on a holistic integrated approach in which all aspects of sustainability are taken into account. The SCC should make a key contribution to this broader European policy agenda.


Fuente: European Commission

Smarter Cities Series: Understanding the IBM Approach to Public Safety

Fuente: IBM

Sello de Ciberseguridad para Organizaciones

7728477.png Cualquier entidad pública o privada que quieran demostrar que cumple con unos requisitos de ciberseguridad acorde con el esquema de la AEI de ciberseguridad.
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