AEI de Seguridad - Agrupación Empesarial Innovadora para la seguridad de las redes y los sistemas de información

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Study on measures to analyse and improve European emergency preparedness in the field of fixed and mobile telecommunications and Internet

Thales carried out a Study on measures to analyse and improve European emergency preparedness in the field of fixed and mobile telecommunications and Internet , between June 9th, 2009 and April 30th, 2010. The works of the present study follow in the steps of the December 2008 EPCIP Directive, in view of its future revision expected in 2012, and in which Telecommunications might rejoin Energy and Transports in the list of priority critical infrastructures.

The report of the study intends to achieve a delicate balance of suggestions that should enhance Emergency Preparedness in the Telecommunication sector, both in the sub-sectors of Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Infrastructures and the Internet and precautions in order to allow their implementation by European Member States and Stakeholders of the Telecommunication sector whose circumstances and policies are different. By proposing a limited number of recommendations, but pragmatic and of significant impact, we intend first to help Member States and Stakeholders to better prepare for potential major crises that might affect these subsectors, and for crises affecting society at large in which telecommunications might be impacted or help their resolution.

More information: full study


Fuente: Europe's Information Society

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